2018年1月27日 星期六

[Spark] dataframe 基本統計(轉貼)

Spark dataframe 基本統計方法, 整理幾個重點保存下來, 包含:隨機數據生成.  總結和描述性統計. 樣本協方差和相關性. 交叉分類匯總表. 頻繁項. 數學函數

隨機數據生成(Random data generation)

隨機數據生成在測試現有的算法和實現隨機算法中非常重要,比如隨機投影。sql.functions函數里面提供了生成包含ii uniform(rand)和標準的normal(randn)
In [1]: from pyspark.sql.functions import rand, randn
In [2]: # Create a DataFrame with one int column and 10 rows.
In [3]: df = sqlContext.range(0, 10)
In [4]: df.show()
| 0|
| 1|
| 2|
| 3|
| 4|
| 5|
| 6|
| 7|
| 8|
| 9|
In [4]: # Generate two other columns using uniform distribution and normal distribution.
In [5]: df.select("id", rand(seed=10).alias("uniform"), randn(seed=27).alias("normal")).show()
|id|            uniform|              normal|
| 0| 0.7224977951905031| -0.1875348803463305|
| 1| 0.2953174992603351|-0.26525647952450265|
| 2| 0.4536856090041318| -0.7195024130068081|
| 3| 0.9970412477032209|  0.5181478766595276|
| 4|0.19657711634539565|  0.7316273979766378|
| 5|0.48533720635534006| 0.07724879367590629|
| 6| 0.7369825278894753| -0.5462256961278941|
| 7| 0.5241113627472694| -0.2542275002421211|
| 8| 0.2977697066654349| -0.5752237580095868|
| 9| 0.5060159582230856|  1.0900096472044518|

總結和描述性統計(Summary and descriptive statistics)

In [1]: from pyspark.sql.functions import rand, randn
In [2]: # A slightly different way to generate the two random columns
In [3]: df = sqlContext.range(0, 10).withColumn('uniform', rand(seed=10)).withColumn('normal', randn(seed=27))
In [4]: df.describe().show()
|summary|                id|            uniform|              normal|
|  count|                10|                 10|                  10|
|   mean|               4.5| 0.5215336029384192|-0.01309370117407197|
| stddev|2.8722813232690143|  0.229328162820653|  0.5756058014772729|
|    min|                 0|0.19657711634539565| -0.7195024130068081|
|    max|                 9| 0.9970412477032209|  1.0900096472044518|
In [4]: df.describe('uniform', 'normal').show()
|summary|            uniform|              normal|
|  count|                 10|                  10|
|   mean| 0.5215336029384192|-0.01309370117407197|
| stddev|  0.229328162820653|  0.5756058014772729|
|    min|0.19657711634539565| -0.7195024130068081|
|    max| 0.9970412477032209|  1.0900096472044518|
當然,雖然describe在那些快速探索性數據分析中可以很好的工作,你還可以控制描述性統計的展示以及那些使用DataFrame中簡單選擇的列(這句話好彆扭,請看英文you can also control the list of descriptive statistics and the columns they apply to using the normal select on a DataFrame:)
In [5]: from pyspark.sql.functions import mean, min, max
In [6]: df.select([mean('uniform'), min('uniform'), max('uniform')]).show()
|      AVG(uniform)|       MIN(uniform)|      MAX(uniform)|

樣本協方差和相關性(Sample covariance and correlation)

In [1]: from pyspark.sql.functions import rand
In [2]: df = sqlContext.range(0, 10).withColumn('rand1', rand(seed=10)).withColumn('rand2', rand(seed=27))
In [3]: df.stat.cov('rand1', 'rand2')
Out[3]: 0.009908130446217347
In [4]: df.stat.cov('id', 'id')
Out[4]: 9.166666666666666
In [5]: df.stat.corr('rand1', 'rand2')
Out[5]: 0.14938694513735398
In [6]: df.stat.corr('id', 'id')
Out[6]: 1.0

交叉分類匯總表(又稱列聯表)(Cross tabulation)

如果同時按幾個變量或特徵,把數據分類列表時,這樣的統計表叫作交叉分類匯總表,其主要用來檢驗兩個變量之間是否存在關係,或者說是否獨立。在Spark 1.4中,我們可以計算DataFrame中兩列之間的交叉分類匯總表,以便獲取計算的兩列中不同對的數量,下面是關於如何使用交叉表來獲取列聯表的例子
In [1]: # Create a DataFrame with two columns (name, item)
In [2]: names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Mike"]
In [3]: items = ["milk", "bread", "butter", "apples", "oranges"]
In [4]: df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(names[i % 3], items[i % 5]) for i in range(100)], ["name", "item"])
In [5]: # Take a look at the first 10 rows.
In [6]: df.show(10)
| name|   item|
|Alice|   milk|
|  Bob|  bread|
| Mike| butter|
|Alice| apples|
|  Bob|oranges|
| Mike|   milk|
|Alice|  bread|
|  Bob| butter|
| Mike| apples|
In [7]: df.stat.crosstab("name", "item").show()
|      Bob|   6|    7|     7|     6|      7|
|     Mike|   7|    6|     7|     7|      6|
|    Alice|   7|    7|     6|     7|      7|
我們需要記住,列的基數不能太大。也就是說,name和item distinct之後的數量不能過多。試想,如果item distinct之後的數量為10億,那麼你如何在屏幕上顯示這個表?

頻繁項(Frequent items)

了解列中那些頻繁出現的item對於我們了解數據集非常重要。在Spark 1.4中,我們可以通過使用DataFrames來發現列中的頻繁項,
In [1]: df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(1, 2, 3) if i % 2 == 0 else (i, 2 * i, i % 4) for i in range(100)], ["a", "b", "c"])
In [2]: df.show(10)
|a| b|c|
|1| 2|3|
|1| 2|1|
|1| 2|3|
|3| 6|3|
|1| 2|3|
|1| 2|3|
|1| 2|3|
In [3]: freq = df.stat.freqItems(["a", "b", "c"], 0.4)
In [4]: freq.collect()[0]
Out[4]: Row(a_freqItems=[11, 1], b_freqItems=[2, 22], c_freqItems=[1, 3])
In [5]: from pyspark.sql.functions import struct
In [6]: freq = df.withColumn('ab', struct('a', 'b')).stat.freqItems(['ab'], 0.4)
In [7]: freq.collect()[0]
Out[7]: Row(ab_freqItems=[Row(a=11, b=22), Row(a=1, b=2)])
對於上面的例子來說,“a=11 and b=22”和“a=1 and b=2”的組合頻繁出現在數據集中。注意“a=11 and b=22”是為假陽性。

數學函數(Mathematical functions)

Spark 1.4中增加了一系列的數學函數,用戶可以自如地將這些操作應用到他們列。我可以在這裡看到所有的數學函數。輸入必須是一個列函數,並且這個列函數只能輸入一個參數,比如cos, sin, floor, ceil。對於那些需要輸入兩個參數的列函數,比如pow, hypot,我們可以輸入兩列或者列的組合。

In [1]: from pyspark.sql.functions import *
In [2]: df = sqlContext.range(0, 10).withColumn('uniform', rand(seed=10) * 3.14)
In [3]: # you can reference a column or supply the column name
In [4]: df.select(
   ...:   'uniform',
   ...:   toDegrees('uniform'),
   ...:   (pow(cos(df['uniform']), 2) + pow(sin(df.uniform), 2)). \
   ...:     alias("cos^2 + sin^2")).show()
|             uniform|  DEGREES(uniform)|     cos^2 + sin^2|
|  0.7224977951905031| 41.39607437192317|               1.0|
|  0.3312021111290707|18.976483133518624|0.9999999999999999|
|  0.2953174992603351|16.920446323975014|               1.0|
|0.018326130186194667| 1.050009914476252|0.9999999999999999|
|  0.3163135293051941|18.123430232075304|               1.0|
|  0.4536856090041318| 25.99427062175921|               1.0|
|   0.873869321369476| 50.06902396043238|0.9999999999999999|
|  0.9970412477032209| 57.12625549385224|               1.0|
| 0.19657711634539565| 11.26303911544332|1.0000000000000002|
|  0.9632338825504894| 55.18923615414307|               1.0|

