2018年9月19日 星期三

[English] 上班族的日常生活英文實用句(二)


You’ll never guess what I just heard. 你一定猜不到我剛剛聽到什麼。
Did you hear? I have a juicy story for you. 你聽說了嗎?跟你講一個勁爆的
A little bird told me something. (你不想透露消息來源)聽說…
A little bird told me that Nicky’s quitting the job. 欸,聽說Nicky要辭職了喔
I don’t want to keep you in the dark. 我不想瞞著你….然後就講。
(But you have to) promise me you’ll never tell anyone. 你要跟我保證你不會跟別人說喔。
It’s just between you and me. Between you and me. 就我們兩個知道喔,你不能在跟別人講喔。
Okay. I won’t tell anyone./
My lips are sealed.我的口風很緊,我嘴巴很緊
I swear I’ll never tell anyone. Your secret’s safe with me. 我發誓我不會講的。你的秘密很安全的。
Mum’s the word. 我閉口不提,一定守口如瓶。
If you ever tell anyone what I have told you, I’ll kill you. 要是你跟別人講,我就把你殺了。
Wilson has a big mouth. Wilson是大嘴巴。
Kevin有新女友了:Kevin has a new girlfriend!
Kevin跟男朋友分手了!Kevin broke up with his boyfriend!
break up with sb. 跟…分手。
Victor’s ex has a new boyfriend after two weeks. Victor的前女友才過兩個星期就另結新歡了。
two-time 腳踏兩條船,動詞
我被劈腿了,用被動式I was two-timed.
Jane 男友踢腿,跟Jessica偷吃:Jane’s boyfriend two timed her with Jessica.
If you two time me, I’ll max out your credit card/you’ll regret it.
cheat on sb. 欺騙..的感情Eva cheated on her boyfriend. Eva偷吃,跟小王互通款曲
小王the other man 小三the other woman.
Our manager in love with the other woman. 我們經理有小三!
Homewrecker小三或是小王 就是破壞家庭的人。He’s a homewrecker! 他是小王!
有對象的話,就是seeing someone. I’m seeing someone. She’s seeing someone.
Is Jessica seeing anyone? Is she single? Jessica有對象嗎?她單身嗎?
I have a boyfriend/ girlfriend. I’m taken. 我被訂走了
I’m in a relationship. in an open relationship. 就是有對象了,但是還沒有定下來,雙方都可以騎驢找馬的
Get out of here. 怎麼可能! Are you kidding? Seriously? No way
A: Psst..I have a juicy story for you. Rebecca two timed her boyfriend.
B: Wait, seriously?
A: Uh-huh.
B: Get out of here. No way! They just got engaged! 不會吧!他們才剛訂婚耶!
A: I know! Everyone’s talking about it.
B: Oh my. I don’t know what to say.
Don’t talk about people behind their back! 不要在人家背後講閒話。
You shouldn’t bad-mouth people. 你不該說人家壞話的。
Please respect Rebecca’s privacy. 尊重一下人家的隱私啊。

I can’t stand John. He’s so dumb. 我真的很受不了John,他真是一個豬隊友/蠢斃了
He’s frustratingly dumb. Who do I deal with a frustratingly dumb coworker? 我要怎麼處理這種蠢到爆的同

My coworker always asks me to do the dirty work. 同事都要我做屎缺、鳥工作。
I’m really fed up. 真是受夠了
He’s all talk and no action. 他只會講,根本不會做。
know it all自以為什麼都會的人。
He acts like a know-it-all 他真的假會
poser 裝腔作勢的人。
full of oneself. He’s always so full of himself. 他好臭美、自大鬼。
Judy’s entirely full of herself. She thinks she’s better than everybody. Judy好傲嬌好臭美,自以為是,覺得
bore sb silly. You bore me silly. 你好無聊,無趣到了極點。
I was bored silly listening to his speech. 聽他演講我真是無聊死了。
開會總是遲到He’s always late on meetings
不聽人講話He’s a poor listener. He never listens!!
開黃腔He likes to tell dirty jokes.
drama queen 很愛演、太愛演的人、太誇張的人
You’re such a drama queen. 有哪麼嚴重嗎!你太over了喔

pull rank on someone.擺架子、用位階壓人
I hate working with people who like to pull rank. 我討厭和擺架子的人一起工作
I don’t like the manager. He pulls rank on people a lot. 我不喜歡那個主管。他常常用位階壓人。
I hate pulling rank in the office, but sometimes it is necessary. 我不喜歡把架子,但是有時候是必要的。
come down on someone. 痛罵一頓
My boss came down on me because I failed to meet the sales quota. 我業績沒達到 被慘電。
Come down on sb like a ton of bricks. 字面上就是一噸的磚頭,砸下來的感覺,是不是很痛!
My team members are so uncoachable! 這些人超難帶的!不想當責
They lack the desire for accountability. 不想當責
They have no responsibility and no ambition at all. 沒責任感、沒有上進心
My wife is a micromanager. 我太太很愛管東管西
I have a nagging wife. 我有個愛撈叨的太太
Nobody like to work with a nag. 沒有人喜歡跟愛撈叨的人一起共事。
bossy.很霸道bossy! She is so very bossy. I can’t stand it. 她太霸道了。我無法忍受。
boss v.發號施令 boss sb. around. I’m sick of my wife bossing me around. 我受夠了我太太一直指使我
Stop bossing me around, will you?! 可以不要再叫我做事了。

He never helps around the house. He doesn’t share household chores. 都不幫忙做家事,
He snores. Every night, I have to lie awake listening to his snores. 他會打呼,每天晚上都醒著聽他打呼
He always forgets important dates, like birthdays or anniversaries. 他總忘記重要日子,像是生日或記念日
He loves staring at other women. 他很愛看其他的妹。
Another day, another dollar. 當一天和尚,撞一天鐘,只是為了薪水在工作。
Remember, you can always choose to be happy at work.

