2019年6月12日 星期三

[English] 電話英文


1. 先表明自己身份
Hello. This is ____. This is Peter Parker.
This is ___ calling.
熟人: It’s me, _____
如果代表公司,This is ____ from/of Quanta.
2. 我們要找誰
May I speak to ____, please?
I’d like to speak to ____, please?
如果只確定要找 xx 部門,誰都可以,例如:幫我接一下行銷部門
I’d like to speak to someone from the marketing department.
I’d like to speak to/ May I speak to someone from the sales department?
熟人,就說 Is ___ there?
3. 確認一下對方方便講話嗎?
Is it / this / now a good time to talk?
Do you have a minute to have a quick chat?
Are you busy? Are you free to talk? I hope I’m not disturbing you.
4. 打電話目的為何?
I’m calling about + Ving / N
It’s about Ving / N.
It’s with regards to N (with regards to = about)
I’d like to V I’m calling to I’m phoning to V.
Model conversation
A: Quanta Computer, how can I help you?
B: Hello, may I speak with Kelly Anderson?
A: Speaking.
B: Hi Kelly, is this a good time to call.
A: Yes, of course.
B: I’m calling about the upcoming conference.
A: Hello, is this Jennifer?
B: Sorry. I think you have the wrong number. There’s no one by that name here.
A: Oh I’m sorry.

1. 對方打錯電話
只要說 I think you have the wrong number 就好了。
Seriously, my name is not Jack. This is my cellphone, there is no Jack that uses my cellphone. No, I
don't know Jack's number. Yes, I'm sure I'm not John. No this isn't a Joke....
2. 對方剛好就是要找你:「我就是」,Speaking. 或是 This is he. This is she.
3. 如果要找的是別人:
我幫你轉過去。Just a moment/ Hold on please, I’ll go get Kelly.
Let me put you through (to ___). 例如 Let me put you through to Kelly.
Put sb through 就是轉接過去 =connect 或是 transfer
我幫你轉到業務部。I’ll transfer you to sales department.
我幫你轉到分機 168. I’ll connect you to extension 168.
4. 要諮詢的業務不是你負責的,我幫你轉接給負責的人: I’ll connect you to the person in charge.
5. 如果不確定對方要找的人在不在: One moment please, I’ll see if he’s available/ in.
他不在位子上。____ is not at his/her desk now.
____ away from his/desk.
暫時無法來接電話:___can’t come to the phone.
He’s in a meeting right now. 會議中
He’s on another line right now. 電話中
He’s out to lunch. 午餐中
He’s away on business this month. 出差中
6. 過濾電話:May I ask what you’re calling about? May I ask what it is about?
7. 問對方需不需要留言:Would you like to leave a message?
I’m sorry, but Lily is not here at the moment. Can I take a message?
8. 如果對方有留言,記得要抄下電話:May I have your number?
確認一下我方的人有對方的電話:Does Jack have your number?? I’ll tell him you called.
也可以直接要:Could you give me your name and mobile number, please? (請問大名跟手機)
對方公司名稱是啥:Could I ask what company you’re with?
9. 貼心讓對方知道他的留言會傳達到:I’ll make sure she gets your message. 
10. 請對方重複自己沒聽清楚的資訊:Could you please repeat that?
大聲一點:Could you speak up a little?
不確定的人名或地名,請對方拼給你:Would you mind spelling that for me?
11. 再次確認一下留言內容:Let me repeat that just to make sure. It’s James Bond at 0912-345678?
Model Conversation
K: Hello, could I speak to your general manager? This is Karen from OK International.
J: Sure, may I know what it is about?
K: It's about the order we placed last month. I'm afraid we have to cancel it.
J: Okay. Unfortunately, he's not in at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
K: Just tell him that Karen called.
J: I'll ask him to call you back when he returns. Thank you for calling.
K: Not at all
收訊不好:bad reception/ poor reception/ connection.
聽不清楚:I can’t hear you clearly. I think we’ve got a bad connection.
聲音斷斷續續:You’re breaking up
感謝來電:Thank you for calling.

