2019年10月1日 星期二

[English] 接待英文


1. 派車接送。幾點幾分,車號 XXX 的 XX 到飯店門口接您到公司。
EX:上午七點半的時候,一台黑色奧迪 R8 車號 LUV888 會到君悅飯店門口接你到公司。
An Audi R8 with the license plate number LUV888 will pick you up at the front door of Grand Hyatt at 7 am.
A white Honda with the license number LUV888 will pick you up at the front door of your hotel.
句型是:A 顏色廠牌車 with the license plate number XXX-123 will pick you up at ___飯店 at 幾點幾分。

2. 換證:Before entering our office, please sign in at the front desk to get a visitor pass// visitor card. 進辦公室前,要在櫃台登記,取得訪客證。
You’ll need to swipe this visitor pass to gain entry at the gate of our factory or to enter our departments. 進入公司廠區閘門跟部門都需要刷訪客證才能進出。

3. 介紹環境:Let me show you around the office. 茶水間是 pantry room// tea room. This is the pantry. And this is the restroom. 或是 The restroom is here.
男廁:This is the men’s room 女廁 This is the ladies’ room.
This is our department meeting room. 這裡是單位專屬的會議室。

4. 工作區域:You can work in this space// meeting room. 你可ㄧ在這個區域、空間或會議室工作。
The power outlet//socket is here, and the Internet cable. 這裏有插座、網路線。
This is where I sit in the office. 或是 This is my desk in the office. 我的位子在這邊
If you need anything or have any questions, let me know. 你有問題、任何需要請讓我知道。

5. 午餐:Lunch break is at 11:50. I’ll show you to the restaurant. 午餐時間是 11:50. 我會帶你去用餐。
All the meals are displayed here. //Here’s the food display. 所有的餐點展示在這邊
So here’s how it works. First, choose the meal you like, and for different meals, you line up at
different counters to pick it up. Here is your voucher. Before to put the voucher into the bucket after you pick up your meal. 用餐的流程如下,看你想吃哪一道餐點,就到專屬的櫃位去排隊取餐,這個是您的餐卷,拿好餐點記得將餐卷放到桶子

6. 餐點介紹。
做法的部分:水煮的,就是 boiled. 煎: pan-fried 快炒 stir-fried 炸 deep-fried 蒸的 steamed,火烤的 grilled 煎烤 roast 燉的 stewed. 魯的 braised. 煙燻的 smoked 所以燙青菜就是 boiled vegetables, boiled cabbage 就是燙高麗菜、boiled broccoli 燙花椰菜、
boiled sweet potato leaves、燙空心菜 boiled water spinach

水餃 boiled dumpling// jiaozi. 也可以說是 jiaozi 就好
蒸餃 steamed dumpling// jiaozi
煎餃 fried jiaozi 餛飩 won ton (廣東話). 餛飩湯 soup// 餛飩麵 noodles
牛肉麵 beef noodle soup 鍋貼 pot sticker
三杯雞 three cup chicken? 講作法:chicken fried with wine, sesame oil and soy sauce.
紅燒肉燴飯 Stewed rice with braised pork
滷肉飯 braised pork rice
麻醬麵 sesame paste noodles
排骨飯 rice with pork chop
咖哩豬肉燴飯 stewed rice with pork and curry.
蒜泥白肉 Sliced pork with garlic sauce.
推薦你美式黑胡椒洋蔥豬柳飯:I recommend you American black pepper onion pork chop rice. This meal is from 歐香廳, so we need to line up at 歐香廳’s counter.

7. 聊天,第一個就是台灣的必去的景點、必吃的、一定要體驗的。例如說:If you love local food,be sure to visit some of the night markets in Taiwan. You can find really tasty street food there.
If you have some days off, be sure to visit Alishan. The sunrise and sea of clouds are breathtaking, and the forest trails are simply amazing. If you like museums, National Palace Museum is something you cannot miss.
不管你推薦什麼,你覺得很棒的,就加個 must. 比如說:Stinky tofu is a must eat. Night view from the top of Taipei 101 is a must see. Longshan temple is a must visit (place). We have the best boba tea in the world. Bubble tea originated in Taiwan. It’s a must drink.
第二個可以聊的方向,就是好好介紹廣達特色。董事長特別重視人文與藝術,所以我們有一個500 多人的表演廳,常常有戲劇、舞蹈、音樂表演,同仁在公司就有機會可以欣賞這些表演,培養人文氣息與放鬆休息
Barry Lam, our founder and chairman, values humanities and art. That’s why we have
Quanta Hall. It’s a performance hall that has a seating capacity of more than 500 people. We usually have many theater, drama, dance and music performances. It’s really great that our colleagues get to enjoy all these great performances in the company. All these humanities and cultural atmosphere really help us relax and unwind.
Quanta takes exceptional care of their employees, offering great benefits. Besides restaurants that offer a variety of great but cheap foods, we also have a gym for workouts afterwork. Our colleagues only pay a very small fee (using cash or benefit points) to gain access to it.
Colleagues who work out in the gym say the equipment is professional grade. We also have training and fitness programs, like spinning bikes, aerobics, Yoga, Pilates. We even have personal trainers on site to help those who love weight training to build up their body. It is rare to see in-company gyms to hire professional and licensed trainers. It is because the National Taiwan Sport University is conveniently located nearby Quanta, so we hire students who are licensed trainers to offer workout advice to our colleagues.
Besides, we have a swimming pool, massage chairs, masseuses, billiards room and reading room. These are all great places for entertainment and relaxation for everyone in Quanta.
邀請一下,Please let me know if you’re interested in any of these places. I can take you there. 

其他話題:What is your favorite food? 最喜歡什麼食物?
Are you often on business trips? 常常出差?What is your favorite country?最喜歡哪個國家?
My sons are really naughty. They are out of control. They’re always getting on my nerves.

8. 買咖啡
Would you like a cup of coffee? Let’s go to Starbucks and get some coffee. What would you
like to have? 所以星巴克的容量就是 short, tall, grande, venti. 小中大特大。
I’d like a tall mocha please. I’d like a venti latte. 

