2018年8月14日 星期二

[English] Conference call 必備句

Conference call實用句

1. Make sure you have a copy of the agenda, and understand the topics to be covered.
2.Do the participants speak with an accent? 如果與會者有口音,看是哪一國人,可以事先到
3. Practice as much as possible before the meeting. The more you practice, the more confident you
will feel.
4.發言前要說妳是誰。某某某speaking. I have a question.

正式開始前先打聲招呼,Good morning. This is ____ from the ____ department/ office. Ex. This is
Jack from the marketing department. This is Lucy from the Taiwan office. 如果很熟了,就Good
morning, Jack speaking. Hello, Lucy here.
確認聲音Can everyone hear me? 確認一下音量:Can you hear me okay?
任何時候如果聲音出了問題:I can’t hear very well. 我聽的不是很清楚,
背景有雜音:I’m sorry, but there’s a lot of noise in the background.
有雜訊、干擾音:There is static on the line.
有點斷訊聽不清楚:You’re breaking up.
對方講話太小聲: Could you please speak up?
有誰在線上,大家都到了嗎?Is everyone online? Is everyone here? Are we all on?
我們在等誰呢?Are we waiting for anyone else? 某某人上來了嗎?Has Jack joined us yet? Do we
have Jack on the call? 如果是重要的人還沒上來,就請大家稍等一下:Let’s wait a few minutes for
Kevin. We’ll just wait a few minutes.

會議開場,就說Shall we get started? 我們開始吧。
Welcome to the/ today’s conference call. Firstly, I’d like to thank you all for coming.
大家看過議程了嗎?Has everyone seen the agenda?
表明會議目的:The purpose of today’s meeting is to ____.
The objective of this meeting is to ____.
We’re holding this meeting today to____.
The objective of this meeting is to make a decision about the marketing campaign.

想要先討論重要的東西,建議:Why don’t we deal with the urgent matters first? I suggest we take
____/ item 3 first.
按照議程就好:We should proceed according to the agenda. I think we should stick to the agenda.
然後就照順序,So the first item on the agenda is ____.
看誰負責的,可以請她開始,例如:Peter, would you like to kick off/ start?
討論好某個事項:Right, I think that takes care of the first item. I think we’ve covered the second
item. 接著討論下一個:Let’s move on to the next item, which is ____. Why don’t we move on to…

請某人發表意見:Vicky, what do you think? Regina, what are your thoughts? How does that sound
to you?
同意的時候,說I agree. I second that.
很同意:I completely agree. I couldn’t agree more. I think we are all on the same page here.
反對的話,客氣一點好:I’m sorry, but I ‘m afraid I have to disagree. I see your point, but I’m afraid
I disagree. I tend to disagree.
解釋原因:Personally, I feel it’s too much of a risk. 風險太大了It’s too risky 弊大於利:I think the
drawbacks outweigh the benefits.
相反的:利大於弊:I think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Comprehension problems
討論的時候,很多時候需要釐清、確認意思,聽不清楚一定要提出來,請對方再講一次:Can you
say that again in different words? Could you explain that again? 如果對方講太話行話,聽得霧颯
颯,可以說I don’t follow you/ I didn’t get that. Could you explain that in layman’s terms? You used
the word ____ what does it mean?
也有可能是對方講太快,或是有腔調Could you speak more slowly please? 有時候是要確認自己有沒
有理解正確,所以你的意思是…So what you’re saying is, we need to increase the budget? So if I
understood correctly, you want us to stop placing ads? Am I to understand that…聽不清楚,如果是
因為背景音、雜音,可以搭配剛學到的:I’m sorry. Could you say that again? There is static on the
line. There’s noise in the background.
不了解,就說Is everyone with me?

快速打岔,補充一下,就說Can I add something quickly? I’d like to add something .
要打斷的話,最好先說聲抱歉:Kevin here. I’m sorry to interrupt.
Can I just come in here?/ May I say something?
Could I interrupt you for a minute?
Could I stop you for just one minute please.
不小心打岔:Sorry I interrupted, you were saying? 或是Please, go on. / After you.
不給打斷:Please let me finish. I’ll be quick.

討論離題了,要把大家拉回來:We’re getting side tracked. Let’s get back to the matter in hand.
Please can we stick to the agenda.
有一些人沒有關mic 可能會造成回音:Please can you mute yourself if you’re not talking. There’s an
echo on the line.
發現自己沒開麥克風,就說:Sorry, I was on mute.
提醒別人開麥克風- Lily, you need to switch off the mute button if you want to speak.
兩個人一起講話,聲音打架了:You are talking over each other, I can’t hear what anyone is saying.
某人講到一半,消失了、沒聲音,Have we lost Eva?
會議太冗長了:___ Speaking, can we take a break?

討論完畢:Okay, I think that’s everything. Thanks for your contribution, everyone.
沒討論完,但時間不夠了:It’s 3:30 pm. It’s time to finish. We’ve run out of time.
Let’s finish / close the call/wrap up, thank you everyone.

Oh, that’s too pricey for me.
I like it, but that’s a bit expensive
I have a low budget.
Can you lower the price a little? Can you give me a better price on this? Can you give me a discount?
How about 800?
900 is the most I can spend. Take it or leave it.

可以說Whatever works for me. It’s all good. I'm ok with anything. I'm cool with anything. Anything
is good/fine. Anything works.

like 跟hobby I like reading. My hobbies are reading, cooking and photography.

interest, hobby,hobby會比較active一點,例如,
Jack’s main hobby is football. 有在踢球。
Jack’s main interest is football. 會看足球、讀關於足球的事,但不一定會踢。

