2018年8月14日 星期二

[English] 上班族的日常生活英文實用句(一)


錢少事多!overworked and underpaid

Overwork v.自己太勞累、讓別人過度勞累。
例:You look tired. Have you been overworking? 你是不是最近太累了?
This spoiled boss often overworks his staff. 這位慣老闆常常讓員工過度勞累。
A: How’s it going? How have you been? 你過的好嗎?
B: Same old same old, you know, overworked and underpaid. 老樣子,賺得不多但工作很操。

I’m so busy
I’m swamped. I’m swamped with work. 忙翻了
up to one’s ears. 忙到不可開交,
I can’t go out with you tonight because I’m up to my ears in work. 工作堆積如山。
今天又要加班了:I’m working/ doing overtime today.
熬夜stay up all night 整夜都不睡pull an all-nighter
例:I haven’t finished the proposal yet. Looks like I’ll have to pull an all-nighter tonight.
小睡片刻get some shut eye.
例:After working overtime for three days, I really need to get some shut eye.
爆肝:burn out.
你根本就是爆肝呀You’re burning yourself out.
我累到快掛了I’m really burned out I’m wiped out. 或是I’m completely wiped out.
可以改天嗎? take a rain check take a rain check on ___
I’m sorry but I need to take a rain check on our drink. 不好意思,喝酒要改天了
直接回家 go straight home直接睡覺,go straight to bed.

耍廢veg out. Veg n. vegetable. v. vegetate 無所事事
例Jason always vegs out in front of the TV for hours.
追劇就是binge watch binge毫不節制的大吃大喝 binge on N/V-ing.
例When she’s depressed, she binges on pizza and chocolate.
Binge watch這個動詞就變成連續看大量的電視節目,一次看完「整季」的美劇日劇
例I’m going to binge watch the Game of Thrones during summer.

團購:group buying 或是 team buying.
主揪,就是group buying initiator
要不要跟?Would you like to join the group buying? 要跟:Count me in. 不跟:count me out
例 Would you like to join us for a drink after work? 下班後要一起去喝一杯嗎?
I’d love to, but count me out this time. I’m up to my ears in work.

被孤立、沒朋友、搞到自己沒人緣commit social suicide
Wilson is committing social suicide because his breath stinks. Wilson有口臭所以他沒朋友。

哭窮、吃土、窮到要被鬼抓走了:I’m broke.
手頭緊、生活拮据strapped for cash/ money.
例Mr. and Mrs. Wang are really strapped for cash. 王先生王太太手頭很緊
現賺現吃、存不了錢live from hand to mouth.
月光族live from paycheck to paycheck,Paycheck是薪水的支票,
我是月光族I’m living from paycheck to paycheck.
Kevin當月光族很久了Kevin has been living from paycheck to paycheck for ages.
兼差v. moonlight
例:He has been moonlighting as a taxi driver to pay the mortgage =home loan
房貸:mortgage/ home loan

減重:lose weight,
減脂:get rid of the fat, get rid of… 擺脫某東西的片語,fat是脂肪、油,
看要減哪個部位:I’d like to get rid of the fat around my midsection(中間這一圈)
get rid of the fat in between my thighs大腿內側的肥肉
under my chin雙下巴
around my belly button肚臍附近那塊
掰掰袖 flabby arm。 I need to get rid of flabby arms.
flabby 就是鬆弛、肥胖的。
控制飲食control diet/ on a diet、健身work out。I’m on a diet.
防彈咖啡bullet proof coffee= black coffee + grass-fed butter + coconut oil黑咖啡/草飼奶油/椰子油
酮體就是ketone. 生酮飲食ketogenic diet.
他最近在進行生酮飲食減肥,He is on a ketogenic diet.
在lose後面加上數字跟單位。我最近瘦了五公斤。I’ve lost five kilograms recently.

小孩…小孩都講不聽My sons never listen to me. Kids don’t listen.
玩具都不收Kids don’t pick up toys.
房間亂七八糟的,My house is in a mess. My house is always messy.

我那個來I’m having my period. I’m on my period.
mc是menstrual cycle. menstruation 月經 menstrual月經的。
大姨媽來了Aunt Flo is visiting/coming/ coming to town/ in town.
我那個來不舒服I’m not feeling well right now because I got a visit from Aunt Flo. 含蓄一點:It’s
that time of the month. 每個月的那段時間又來了。
經痛menstrual cramps/ cramp是抽筋、絞痛。

請假,take…off. I need to take one day off.
今天下午要請假,因為我經痛很嚴重I need to take the afternoon off, because I have serious menstrual cramps.

沒禮貌,態度不好bad attitude. He has a bad/poor attitude. attitude態度,那你們對某人擺臉色擺
臭臉耍脾氣、傲慢自大、自己為是、沒禮貌give someone attitude
你什麼態度呀Don’t give me attitude.
沒禮貌impolite/rude; How rude! 超沒禮貌! My client is so rude to me.
This joke is too rude to repeat. 這個笑話太A了,我無法再講一次。
很機車,annoying 或是a pain in the neck. She is real pain in the neck. 她超討人厭
口語比較常聽到a pain in the ass/ butt
很假、很做作phony/ phoney George is such a phony. Gary is so phony.
你是大好人!You’re an angel/ you’re a doll
某件事情做的很好,Way to go! Way to go, Tina! Tina水喔水喔!

washstand洗手台塞住My wash basin is clogged. The kitchen sink is clogged.
疏通,英文就是unclog. I have my basin clogged. Can you unclog it for me?
馬桶塞住了The toilet is clogged. I need someone to unclog it for me.
血管塞住也是這個:Too much fatty food makes your arteries clog up 吃太多油膩食物會讓動脈堵塞
手機掉到馬桶Help! I dropped my phone in the toilet. My smartphone fell/ dropped in the toilet.
麥當勞點餐Big Mac/ McMuffin/ hash brown/ filet o’ fish burger/ McChicken/ French fries, Chicken
McNuggets/ Happy meal/ McFlurry.
I’d would like a number one with fries and coke please
I’d like ____ for here/ to go. 我要…內用/外帶

