Hi, I’d like to check in please. 之後,要說
I have a reservation under ____ . My name is ____. Lily Lu.
Here’s my reservation confirmation
May I see your passport, please?
Of course. Here it is/ Here you go.
Yes, we have you down for two nights.
I’ll need your credit card and please fill out this form and sign here.
Sir, this is your room number and your key.
Check out time is 12 at noon.
If you need anything, feel free to call the front desk, just dial zero.
Hi, do you have any vacancies for tonight/ 2 nights? vacancy是空房或職位的空缺。
Vacancies太難的話,就說Do you have any rooms available?
櫃檯回答:Yes, what kind of room would you like?
一張雙人床 那就是double room. I’d like a double room please.
兩張單人床,例如跟同事出差會住的那種,就叫做Twin room.
一張單人床的 就是single room
要決定之前也要確認一下價格,問What are your room rates? 或是已經決定好自己喜歡的房型了,就說:How much is a double room for one night?
Please fill out the form and sign here.
Sorry, but we’re all booked. 或是we have no vacancies tonight.
問早餐時間:What time is breakfast served?
可不可以早上叫起床:Could I have a wake-up call at 6:30 tomorrow morning? Actually I need two calls. One at 6:30, and the other at 7:00.
Sure, Your name and room number please?
Jay, 9487. Thank you.
還有就是如果你到飯店,但是還沒到check in時間,可以寄放行李,就說Could you keep my luggage? 或Can I put my luggage here?
或是你白天已經check out 但是班機在下午或晚上,你想要去逛逛再回來拿行李,就說Can I put my luggage here after check-out? I’d like to do some shopping before I leave. Thank you.
接著要退房了~~退房是check out, 所以就說I’d like to check out. 把房卡給櫃檯
櫃檯可能會寒暄一下 :住的還舒服嗎?Did you enjoy your stay with us?
聽到這個我們好像就說很直覺的說:Yes, very much.
如果需要機場接送服務,可以問問飯店Do you have an airport shuttle service?
Yes, we have a free airport shuttle service.
問時間:What time will the airport shuttle service arrive?
It leaves every hour on the hour.
不想搭接駁車:Please get a taxi for me. 或Can you call for a taxi for me?
這時候會需要結清,他們會給帳單請客人確認:Here’s your bill. Please check if it’s correct.
如果你看到不確定的款項,就問問What’s this amount/ charge for?
確認好之後,可以說,Please put it on my credit card.
訂位的話,就說幾個人,幾點,例如,想要預訂今天晚上七點兩個人的位子,就說I’d like to make a reservation for 2 people at 7 tonight. 如果不是今晚,就看哪一天,this Friday也okay.
如果沒有預約,就問餐廳的人員:Excuse me, do you have a table for two?
入座之後,就來點餐啦,如果是觀光地區,很多餐廳的菜單會有圖片,就問他Do you have a menu with pictures? 吃素的Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
你們有低消嗎?Do you have a minimum charge?
開胃菜:appetizers smoked salmon, onion rings
湯:Soup: clam chowder 蛤蜊巧達湯 soup of the day 每日例湯。
French onion soup法式洋蔥湯
沙拉Salad: chef salad/ garden salad/ Caesar salad/ fruit salad
副餐Side orders: French fries/ baked potato
主菜Entrees: steak/ roast chicken ribs。
義大利麵Pasta : Spaghetti with meat sauce/ cream sauce/ lasagna
甜點:Desserts: Tiramisu/ Brownie/ Cheesecake
飲料Beverages: Coffee/ Coke/ Smoothie/ Herbal tea
菜單看完,服務生會蛇過來:Are you ready to order?
如果你還沒決定好,或是顧著聊天,可以說:Not yet. Can I have another minute?
已經好了。就說Excuse me, I’m ready to order. 不知道要點什麼,就你想請他推薦:What do/would you recommend?
再來看你想要什麼,就說I’ll have ______.
Okay, I’ll have the cream cheese chicken spaghetti.
服務生會問:How would you like your steak?
看你要幾熟I’d like it ____。
生 (Raw) 一分熟 (Rare) 三分熟 (Medium-Rare)
五分熟 (Medium) 七分熟 (Medium-Well) 全熟 (Well-Done)
如果你去的是麥當當那種速食餐廳,服務生說Hello, can I take your order? 可以幫你點餐了嗎?
就直接說:I’d like a number three, please. 偶要三號餐。看要內用還是外帶,可以直接在
餐點後面街上for here, 內用或是to go. 例如:I’d like a cheeseburger to go. 就是我想要一個起司漢堡外帶。
Would you like anything else?
No, that’s all.
問路:Excuse me, could you please tell me where ____ is?
Do you know how to get to _______?
請路人拍照:Excuse me, could you take a picture for us?
逛街,只逛不買,店員見到你Hi, are you looking for anything in particular?
就說No, Im just looking I’ll let you know if I need help.
如果她很想繼續介紹的話:就Im just looking, thank you.