2018年8月14日 星期二

[English] 差旅英文(一)


要出國,先檢查一下自己的護照有沒有到期。Check if your passport has expired.
如果沒有6個月以上的效期,最好去換發renew your passport
辦護照:apply for a passport.
申請護照apply for, apply for visa.
簽證很多種類,我們一般人沒有要移民的,就是拿觀光簽證visitor’s visa, 學生簽證student visa,工作 work visa, 打工度假working holiday visa. 有些國家是免簽visa free, 有些是落地簽landing visa

必備的Passport/ visa/ ticket
出發去機場吧。 通常要在班機表定起飛時間前2 個小時抵達機場。第一件事情是辦理登機Check in.
資訊佈告上面其實會標註現在登機的是哪一個航班。不確定的話就問~ Is this where we check in for
flight _號碼_to 地點? Is this where we check in for CX888 to Hong Kong?

May/ Can I see your passport, please?
Sure, here you are. Here you go.
Is there anybody travel with you? Is it just you two traveling or is there someone else?
It’s just us.

登機的時候,航空公司的地勤ground staff 會問一些問題
Did you pack your bags yourself?
Has your luggage been in your possession at all times?
講到打包,powerbank隨身電源不能放託運喔。要放在carry-on luggage裡面。

Did you leave your luggage unattended at all in the airport?
Did someone you don’t know ask you to take something on the plane with you?

槍炮firearm, 可燃物flammable materials
Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?
Are you carrying any flammable material?
Do you have any perishable items in your bags?

也有都不問的,直接拿一張違禁品的清單照片給你看,問你Are you carrying any of these items?

接著他們會說(也有可能略過上面那些問題,直接說:)Please place/put your luggage on the scale. Is my baggage overweight?

I’m afraid your bag is two kilograms over the weight limit. You’ll need to pay for an overweight baggage fee.

所以這很重要Check if your luggage is over the weight limit. 看看行李有沒有超重。
How many bags are you checking?
Just this one, and a carry-on.

Would you like a window seat or aisle seat? Do you have a seating preference?
Can you put me in the emergency exit row? I’d like a seat with plenty of legroom./ Aisle seat please.

好了之後,他會批哩啪拉一長串,聽就好了。Here’s your passport and boarding pass. Here’s your seat number. Your baggage claim tickets are attached. Your flight leaves at Gate 3/ Your flight will be departing from Gate 6 and it’ll begin boarding at 2:30/ Boarding time is 2:30. Have a great flight.

資訊其實在登機證boarding pass上面都有。boarding time/ boarding gate number

Flight 班機號碼。
Remark附註,這邊會有checking in/ on time/ delayed/ gate open/ cancelled的資訊出關的安檢應該不太需要講話,你隨身行李的液體類的東西不能超過100ml,要通過security check.要先把身上金屬類的東西your belt, keys, or cellphone先放到盒子上,然後走過金屬探測器metal detector,有的國家比較嚴格,像美國,security officer安檢人員還會要你脫鞋子。

免稅店duty free shop購物了。
喔,有些人會迷路,可以問Excuse me, where is boarding gate 9A?

機上廣播,比如把椅背豎直、然後餐盤收起來、然後繫好安全帶: Make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position. Please keep your seat belt fastened while seated.
還有電子用品要關機。Please turn off/ switch off your electronic devices.
開關可以用turn on/ turn off 或是switch on/ switch off 來表示
我們即將起飛就是We’ll be taking off shortly.
遇到亂流,We’ll be going through some turbulence.
降落前We’ll be landing in about 30 minutes. 約30分鐘後降落。

What would you like to have sir, chicken or fish? 或是直接Chicken or fish sir? 有時候會比較完整:chicken rice or fish pasta?
直接回答選項chicken 或是I’d like chicken. I’ll have the chicken please. 都可以。
送完餐點之後,就會上飲料,飲料車上選擇就很多了。他可能問你Anything to drink? 或是What would you like to drink sir/ ma’am? 你如果不知道有哪些,就可以問what kind of drinks do you have? 選項通常一堆,柳橙汁蘋果汁番茄汁紅酒白酒啤酒都有。

Orange juice, apple juice, tomato juice, red wine, white wine, beer. 如果要加冰塊,就是…with ice,
例如orange juice with ice, please.

Excuse me, can I have an extra pillow?
Can I have a blanket? Can I have an extra blanket 或是Could you please bring me a blanket?
Could I have some extra napkins?

如果肚子餓了,可以要個泡麵來吃I’m hungry, can I have instant noodles?
口渴,要點水來喝也可以I'm thirsty. Can I have some water?

降落前他們會發入境卡,不會填的話,就問一下Could you help me fill out this form?
飛機上面有兩個單字要會:occupied 跟vacant 就是洗手間有沒有人。

美國海關比較嚴格,不小心的話,還會被遣返。其實不太需要緊張,最會被刁難的其實妙齡單身女子呀,尤其像美國,海關都很怕女生跳機。這邊提醒大家,只要把資料準備好,你的電子機票、住房資訊、如果是商務拜訪,那就把對方公司的地址、或是他們的名片準備好。放在一個資料夾,準備讓他查驗。還有Please relax. 美國海關的人不會笑。所以不要看到他們不笑。就開始緊張。范輕鬆喔。

Anyways, 我們來談談海關最常問哪些問題。
What is your final destination? 如果你下機之後,還要轉機或搭車去其他都市,就跟他說。
What is the purpose of your visit? 你來這邊的目的?
回答:I’m here for sightseeing. I’m on holiday/ on vacation./ I’m here to travel.
如果妳是跟團來的,還可以說I’m here with a tour group.
如果是商務洽公I’m on business. 遊學團: I’m here for a study tour.
I’m here to visit my friends. I’m here to visit my family. 或是I’m here to visit relatives.
再來How long will you be staying in the US? 看你要住多久,I’m here for 時間。I’m here for 3 weeks.也可以說I’m staying for _____ 或I’ll be staying for ____.

Where will you be staying? (地址準備好)
I will stay at a hotel. I will stay at a b&b. 然後把飯店資訊拿給他看。這個會寫在landing form裡面,所以不會有太大問題。

How much currency are you carrying? 你帶多少錢? (美金最多10,000)
最後海關可能會問你有沒有什麼要申報的Do you have anything to declare?
回答No, nothing to declare.

行李遺失登記處lost luggage counter登記填寫表格:I’d like to file a missing luggage report./ I’dlike to report a missing bag 我要提出行李遺失申訴 Here’s my luggage claim tag. 這是我的行李領

